Curry Blake of John G. Lake Ministries

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Once in a while, you encounter some minister you’re especially impressed with. I love Pastor Joseph Prince’s message of grace and his preaching. I love what Bill Johnson has done with his church and equipping people to go out and do healing. I love John Wimber, his teachings and his influence upon the charismatic church.

Maybe even above my admiration for the above three people is my admiration for Andrew Wommack and Curry Blake. These two ministers aren’t as well-known as the above three, yet what makes me admire them so much? As I reflect upon this question, I think it boils down to them living a lifestyle that’s consistent with their beliefs – especially in the area of giving (money) and sacrificial service. These are two ideals which are very important to me simply because I see them so neglected in Christianity – and because they’re things that are the greatest challenge for me.

I’ve mentioned Andrew Wommack before a few times. His teachings are really good stuff (he’s probably the best and most balanced Word of Faith teacher around) but the thing that really strikes me about him has a lot to do with his view of prosperity and his lifestyle in relation to that. He’s a minister in the Word of Faith tradition, yet he’s so different from many others within this tradition. Firstly, he truly believes that prosperity is to bless others and not to use it on oneself – see some quotes by him here. He doesn’t just preach this, but lives it out too. If I recall correctly from hearing his sermons a while back, he’s still living in the same home as he’s lived in for years or decades – compare that to other Word of Faith preaches around! His sermon CDs are given away free and the mp3s of his sermons are all downloadable for free on his website and he doesn’t believe in manipulating people to give money to his ministry. He has simple faith in God to provide for him and his ministry. And (if I recall correctly again) he’s not the kind of minister who disappears after his sermon – i.e. he’s there and available to talk and minister to people even hours after the service is over, which is unlike so many “big shot” preachers who are just too important for the lay people.

Curry Blake is the overseer of John G. Lake Ministries and is very similar to Wommack in his beliefs and practices regarding healing. I just got to know about him 2 weeks ago and since then I’ve been reading up on him and have listened to about 20 hours of his teachings. I’m hoping to write more in subsequent posts about his unique beliefs on healing. Reading about and listening to what he believes regarding healing has been godsend. Over the last year (and especially so the past few months), I’ve been reading so much about healing and have had so many questions in my mind – and I’ve asked so many people about this and that regarding healing. And what he’s preached has addressed a lot of the important questions I’ve had – I won’t say he’s answered them because I’m still evaluating and thinking through what he’s said/written. But he provides a very refreshing and unique perspective (from people like Bill Johnson) and I’m quite drawn to his views.

But anyway, his unique beliefs aren’t why I’m impressed with him. Like my admiration for Wommack, it’s not about his beliefs, but more of his lifestyle. Two things I heard (in his sermons) have amazed me. First, he mentions how he’s always available on the phone to pray for people. This stems from an incident whereby his daughter died and he desperately tried to get in touch with men of God who were gifted in healing so they could pray that she would raise from the dead. He didn’t manage to do so. Because of this incident, he decided to make himself available to everyone who wants him to pray for healing. If I’m not wrong, he can be reached through cell phone even in the early hours of the morning. Which minister makes himself available to everyone like that??

Even more amazing was how at the end of a TV program he was on, he told those people living in the city he was in then to call the station and leave their numbers and address if they wanted him to pray for their healing – he would go personally to their house to pray for them. The TV program received I think a thousand (I think) calls and he spent the next 6 weeks moving from house to house and healing people. If that’s not insanely admirable, I don’t know what is! How inspiring is his heart to make himself available to people in order to serve them! And I think what he did doesn’t just reflect his heart for people, but also how much he believes in his message that everyone can be healed. It’s easy to lead a big meeting of hundreds and thousands of people and in the end not be in personal contact with those who didn’t get healed. But when you offer to go to their homes to pray for these people personally and heal them, you better believe in what you teach because if someone doesn’t get healed you may have some explaining to do! Many charismatics say they believe God can and desires to heal every sickness. But I have come across few people who lives as consistently with such a belief as Blake does.

Anyway, I heard about the above through Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technician course – you can download the 19 mp3s for free and if you listen to them, do let me know what you think of them. Sid Roth also has an interview with him which you can download. More about my thoughts on his beliefs in future posts!

PS: I’m going to attend one of his Divine Healing Technician training course in America (in Arkansas) in early July and am quite excited! As I mentioned, he has a slightly different perspective on healing from most people I’ve learned from – including Bill Johnson (I’m attending the Kingdom Culture Conference at his church in June – super excited too!) – but I’m quite open to learn from all.

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  1. Hello,

    I am reading up about Curry Blake and I found your article. Your post has some good points and great you are inspired by these preachers, however, I must correct one point. You said that Curry’s daughter died and didn’t come back to life, well actually she did. See here

    Curry Relates Some Family Miracles:

    When my youngest daughter was 7 years old, she fell from a second story window onto a concrete patio. When I reached her, she was dead. I picked her up and walked around the patio saying, “In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die.” This continued for over five minutes. I walked into our dining room and placed her on the floor, propping her up against a wall. She was still dead, with no heartbeat, and no breath.

    My wife ran into the room in a panic. The Gift of Faith was in operation as I turned to her and said, “If you can’t believe, get out.” She calmed down. I knelt down in front of my daughter and continued saying, “In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die.” After another 20 or 30 times of repeating this statement, my daughter suddenly expelled a strong breath, spewing blood all over my shirt. The first words she spoke to me were “Daddy, I’m hungry.”

    We took her to the hospital where doctor’s confirmed that she had been dead for at least 45 minutes. Today, that daughter, Becky, is a born-again, Spirit-filled, missionary-minded young lady.

  2. Hi Shannon,

    Thanks for your comment. Actually, Becky is Blake’s second daughter. Blake actually had a daughter who died when she was young and that was I think one thing that motivated Blake to go deeper into studying healing. He mentions about his first daughter’s death in his DHT trainings. Cheers!

  3. Absolutely a blessed course! We attended his course and this man is one of humility, believing and living what he preaches. Let me know what you think after you attend.

  4. Hi Magdalene,

    Are you from Singapore or Malaysia? When did you attend his course?

    Do share with me your experiences of having attending the DHT. I’ll definitely be sharing my experiences on this blog!


  5. Good report and good men. have a lot of respect for them. Only one problem with Curry blake though, that number (phone line) is not as effective as he talks about or would like to think. I have been in about three (3) cases where we tried to use that number to call them. One was a case where aa baby had died, one a case of a Minister of the Kingdom who was suffering from cancer and later died, and another of a lady preacher who is fighting cancer. For all three cases and more Curry was not reachable. Not even through their email address. Try it, and if you get through let me know. I think he needs to attend to this area if not it might cause him to loose some integrity in ministry. Its either him, or the people working under him. In one case we even wanted to fly him in first class to minister healing to someone sick. We had to go pray ourselves, and thank God the guy is recovering. (I still respect him, but he needs to correct this area. Thanks.

  6. Hi Anthony,

    Thanks for the comment. The recording I heard I think was 3-4 years ago. He’s probably much busier now. You’re right, if what you say is true then he needs to look into this area. I communicated with him through facebook a few weeks back. But I can imagine how busy he would be. Anyway, the fact that he’s willing to be so open and available (as much as he can) to people is be greatly respected.

  7. Hi,
    Just a word of thanks for taking the time to write your article with reference to Curry Blake.
    My son 39 a wonderful christian who lives in London flew to Denver to get healed of liver cancer under Curry Blakes ministry – this will take place tonight. I have seen many dodgy ministries with my time at YWAM, so today I have been searching the internet for reassurance of the authenticity of his ministry when I came upon your blog. I am grateful for your comments and believe now that my son will enjoy Curry’s ministry. I also loved John Wimbers meetings, teachings and his influence upon the church and so felt comfortable with your views and comments on Curry. Hope you enjoy his training course.

    Mike UK

  8. Hello

    I’m happy to read about your article on Mr Curry Blake. Actually i’m from Seychelles and my husband introduce this teaching to me i think 3 weeks ago. His been talking about it ever since how his faith regarding healing has increase. Now he wants the manual that Mr Blake talked about but i cant get hold of it. Maybe you could help. Thank. God bless

      1. Been seeking JGL for to long now. We really need healed. All I do is fight with doctors. My situation does not feel good at all. To many have prayed and prayed. Having alot of doubts now about any of this. My back and something is pulling the skin on the side of my face. hanging on neck and down back. really scared with all the muscle damage im feeling. just dont understand doctors here. NEED THIS TO HAPPEN IN TEARS

  9. A note to Shannon. Curry’s first daughter died at the age of 3 and it was at her funeral that he told God he would be a man for someone in need if God would teach him.
    Then, we have supported Andrew Wommack’s ministry since the early 80’s. When we were gifing $10 a month, we got a letter stating we were in the top 10% of his supporters! His ministry is directed by his relationship with the Lord and living the life of a true Christian. Andrew, too, had a son raised from the dead in the morgue five hours.
    The important thing about both ministries is that God is glorified and people are brought into the right relationship with Him. Both teach the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues as a way to increase our faith and release the power within us.

  10. Thanks for your views and comments on these two great man of faith, Andrew and Curry. I am seeking for results, demonstration of power. I have one problem though. I have been trying the number for Curry for three weeks now because my daughter has been in hospital since she was born. Does anyone have his cellphone number , direct number or his email address.

  11. am a nigerian,and i believe in divine healing so much even as a child i always love the part about healing performed in the Bible by Jesus and Elijah and so on,and to be frank i like this curry so much because of his teaching on divine healing,i want that i have even started laying hands on the dead and praying for them to be raised,please talk to brother curry about me that i really want him to give me the healing manual please cause i want to be on of the generals thanks

  12. I had 2 leaking heart valves which needed repair/replacement surgery. Mitral and Tricuspid Valves. Though my cardiologist told me that I need to go in immediately for surgery, I decided to trust the Lord and see how He leads me. He impressed upon me to just go out daily and pray for the sick with the laying on of hands as taught in the Bible. I also took to heart what Curry Blake said, “If you want healing then you go out there and pray for people!” . I’m so sold on this now, because after praying for the sick in hospices in my city during the last three weeks, I just went for a retest, and….. the new results show that only one valve is now leaking where as the other, that is my tricuspid valve is completely healed! “Only the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God!” Psalms. The healing has begun and it’s only a matter of time that the other valve is healed! If interested I can send you the medical reports of the echo tests.

    1. Amen JO for that testimony. This is a ‘rhema’ word to me. Let ur healing perfected in name of yeshua. Thanks for sharing

  13. I’come across this article.

    Has stillhaventfound attended the DHT and what is happened ( on the area of healing ) since then?

  14. Blessings of Abundance and Light its what Curry Blake has given to my spirit.-
    The interpretation of God’s Word by a real , humble but well articulated person its what makes
    Curry Blake an amazing Minister and the way He delivers The Word connects and stays with you.
    I’ve listened several times each and all DHT training videos and now Im looking fw
    to go to the Seminars.
    My reason to look for the Truth is not because of sickness in my family or myself; its
    because of a message to heal the suffering and the sick that I received and I read and listen to dozens of others Ministries and DHT is the only one that follows the steps of our Lord Jesus without adornments, conditions or obstacles; this is a humble and sincere opinion. Thanks God for you Curry Blake, continue being unique.
    that follows the steps of our Lord Jesus in a straight fw way by an honest man

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