Thoughts on raising the dead

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A few weeks ago, some friends and I tried to raise the dead. I’m amazed even as I write this. What audacity we had in thinking we could raise the dead. I mean, just thinking about this was totally out of my paradigm a few months back, let alone actually going for it. And yet this group of foolish believers desired to take God at His Word and believe that Matthew 10:8’s call to “raise the dead” is something that applies to us. Curry Blake has got to take a large part of the blame for such foolish thoughts and actions on our part, since his teachings have challenged us to obey the plain meaning of Scripture and believe that we too are called to raise the dead.

Here’s the story. I got to know this person (A) through my blog about two months ago. We met for the first time at Mike Reyes’ meeting, after which three friends and I went to A’s place to pray for a family member who was in a bad state – cancer, tumor, etc. We prayed for about 30 minutes and saw improvement. Some of us came back 2 other times to pray for him but soon the person suddenly died. Having also been influenced by Curry’s teachings, A called us to raise the dead. Some of us went and prayed to raise the dead for about 3-4 hours on the day of the death and 1-2 hours the next day. We still continued to believe even as we went to the wake and the service.

How exactly did we pray to raise the dead? What exactly did we do and say for the many hours? Well, none of us had ever done this before and maybe what we did wasn’t correct, but we did what we would do with a sick person. I’m still pondering over short faith-filled prayers vs. continued long prayers and the tension between aggressiveness and rest. For example, do we just pray a short prayer of faith and believe that the person will be healed or raised from the dead eventually, or do we continue to pray until the person is healed on the spot and the person rises from the dead there and then? If we pray for a long time, is that an expression of a lack of faith and trying to “work” for the healing (thus not “resting” in the finished work), or is praying a long time good because it expresses the aggressiveness needed to see the healing (raising from the dead) manifest?

Anyway, we declared the truth of God over the person, we sang and worshiped God, we spoke to the person to wake up and arise as Jesus did in Scriptures and we laid hands on the body and imparted life. When the casket guy was on the way to pick up the body, the body had already been dead for about 24 hours by then. He told us that the body should normally be taken away for embalming within a few hours of death and because it’s been such a long time after death, we had to be careful of bacteria from decomposition of the body. Well, that advice came a bit too late because we had already laid hands on the body for many hours. Laying hands on a dead body can be a bit freaky but we believed Romans 8:2 like John G. Lake – not only that nothing would harm us but also that the Spirit in us that gives life would be imparted to the dead body as we laid hands.

When we first decided to raise the dead, we actually faced some difficulty dealing with the Christian casket services. We needed a registered doctor to certify the death so that the police would leave the place and we could get some time to pray to raise the dead. As Curry mentioned, never allow the body to be taken to the mortuary because then you don’t get to pray much there. Anyway, the casket services normally provide both the doctor certifying the death and the rest of the arrangements needed (coffin, wake, funeral, etc.). When I helped to call a Christian casket service to ask if we could just get them to send the doctor to certify the death because we believed that we would not need the other services (why would you need the other services if the dead is raised?), they couldn’t understand me at all and continued speaking to me as if I were talking nonsense. I got so frustrated with trying to explain that we’re Christians and we believe in raising the dead because they responded pretty much ignoring what I’d said. Yes, a pretty foreign concept it is, raising the dead. You can’t blame them because that would have been a foreign concept to me too a few months back. The fact that raising the dead is a foreign concept for almost all Christians today shows how far we’ve fallen from the norm of the Bible and early Christianity.

Well, the person didn’t wake up despite hours of prayers but even during the wake service, we would still hold on to him being raised. When the Christian minister mentioned that this person was called to the Lord and acted as if it was over, we would just quietly reject that. When we viewed the body, we spoke to the person to wake up and arise, as Jesus did. Why accept defeat when it’s not over yet? Be it unto us according to our faith.

So what happened in the end? The dead person did not rise up. Why not? I dunno. Our lack of faith or our unbelief? Most probably. What I do know is that even as I laid hands on a dead person for hours, smelling the stench of death, I knew it’s not God’s will that a person dies this way. It brings no glory to God and it’s sickening. Sickness and death through sickness is sickening and I hate it. And I know God hates it too. Yes, we all have to die if the Lord tarries, but not this way.

I know thinking this way is pretty radical. Thinking we should be raising the dead is radical. Thinking that no Christian should die of sickness is radical. But I believe the only reason it’s radical is because of our Christian traditions based on a form of powerless Christianity. I can’t believe that if I so hate sickness and death, Daddy up there thinks any differently. The compassion for the sick and the hatred towards sickness did not originate from you or me, as if we’re somehow more compassionate than God. It’s the Christ in us who so hates sickness and disease and who has compassion for those facing it. It’s the mind of Christ in me that cannot accept all this.

“Yes, God hates sickness and disease but that’s only going to be fully eradicated only when Jesus returns again”, some may argue. Yes, total eradication will occur then but the only reason why the sick are not being healed and the dead are not being raised now regularly is because we’re not doing it – not because God doesn’t want to do it through us NOW! Our prayer and desire ought to be that God’s Kingdom come on this earth NOW! That’s God’s desire too. And I believe we’ll see more and more dead being raised over the next few decades before Jesus returns. And I’m going to be part of raising the dead. I have absolutely no doubt about that…

P.S.: I’m getting in touch with The Dead Raising Team to see what they can teach us.

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  1. Hi Jonathan.. I’ve read Smith Wigglesworth’s writings and found that he too raised the dead (actually of course Jesus through him) and it happened a few times. I took a look at DRT website and they mention something like cases of the dead being raised. However, I wonder why it is not a “hype” or “big news”. I mean, if there really are cases like that, won’t this kind of miracle will shock unbelievers the most? And they might believe that Jesus is really God? I don’t know, maybe I’m just thinking with my carnal mind. hahaha.. Yeah, even the Pharisees surely knew Jesus raised the dead yet they don’t believe in Him..

    1. Luke 16:30,31 – RICH MAN AND LAZARUS
      “30 And he said, No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will repent. 31 And he said to him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”

      Teddy, this scripture may put some perspective into your question.

  2. I highly commend you for your diligence! And thank you so much for sharing. I wondered about the process of keeping the body around so you can pray. I’ve heard that can be a challenge.

    I’m studying and listening to Curry Blake, also. Looking forward to the opportunity to raise the dead.

    Don’t give up!

  3. Hey Teddy,

    There are lots of miraculous stuff (both from God and the devil) happening all over the world that is never on the media. Tons of people are raised from the dead in developing nations that are never reported because there’s not much media in villages, etc. David Hogan and his friends have supposedly raised hundreds from the dead in Mexico. Raising the dead I’m sure is controversial and so not all in the media would be willing to take up the story and it’ll be hard to “prove” it scientifically sometimes.

    I’ve heard testimonies of many coming to believe Jesus in villages, etc., when they hear of the dead being raised. So this stuff happens! :)

    Teddy, when you return to Indonesia, step out slowly. Listen to Curry’s teachings and heal the sick! Looking forward to hearing what you’ll do there ;)

    Thanks JJ and Jenny – yes, I’ll definitely keep doing it :)

  4. Hey Jon,

    One of the things that has helped us between short prayers vs. long is simply standing on what we have said.

    “Be healed.”

    If we see no change, sometimes we’ll throw in “I said, ____”

    “I said.”

    It’s another aspect of understanding authority. We know our words are final. So if there is no apparent change, we stand by what we said. “I said, be healed. I said, devil, GO. ”

    That might help.

    I asked Curry a similar question that time we went to Denver about the balance between commanding once in faith and having persistence and attacking.

    Curry said the difference is whether you think repeating yourself is a “restart” from where you started, or an “adding” to what you have started.

    Hope that helps.

  5. What a blessing to read this. Always I’m encouraged to read that people still exist who are brave enough to go ahead and do what God asks of them. Nearly thirty years ago God told me, “Always live ready to raise the dead.” That has always stayed with me. I’ve never had the opportunity to do pray over someone who has died, but all these years later I’m still trying to live always ready to do so. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. Blessings, Debra

  6. Pardon me for my inadequate knowledge or my lack of faith for that matter, as I am also learning. I just got some questions.

    1)When a person is embalm and some stuff are taken out of the dead person body, and also some chemical compound are put into the body….can the dead person be still raised? What I meant was… can the dead person be raised in a body that has actually gone thru all the process of contemporary modern day embalming?

    2) How does one pass from this life to the next if one does not encounter death in a bodily form? Just how are we to go thru to the next life without dying physically?

  7. Thanks Debra! May you have the opportunity one day ;)

    Wee, thanks for your questions and we’re all learning too! To be honest I don’t know what’s involved in modern day embalming. My answer would be “Be it unto us according to our faith”. Whenever a miracle happens, it’s already going against the natural. So I’m assuming that what’s happened to a body on being embalmed is nothing too difficult for God’s power. Even when a body part is taken out or cut off, creative miracles happen when God creates the body part again. I would even go further and say (as Curry has mentioned I believe) that it’s possible for a cremated person to come alive again – of course, if we have the faith!

    Regarding passing from this life to the next without dying physically, that’s possible and has been in the Bible. And that will happen to lots of people when Jesus comes again. But if I’m not wrong, I think you’re asking that question because you think I don’t think we should die. Actually, I do think unless the Lord tarries, most if not all would die physically. What I don’t believe is that we should die of sickness, which is different. If a person is 100 years old and is satisfied with his life and willing to go and meet Jesus now and he just dies in his sleep or whatever, then I wouldn’t raise him up.

  8. Wow, Jonathan, amazing! Thanks for sharing. Actually, I think non-believers have more “faith” in raising the dead. I mean, there’s CPR and that electric shock thing to the heart. People have been “raised from the dead” that way and no one thinks anything of it. Yet, when believers try to lay hands on the dead and raise them, everybody thinks they’re crazy. Yet, that was the norm in the early church. I think it’s not just “lack of faith” or “unbelief” on the part of the people doing the praying and raising, but the whole church in general! Keep on pressing in bro!

  9. Awesome, great effort just being there and doing it. So, it was a failure but hey! you stepped out in faith and did what you could with what you’ve got. We often criticise the apostle Peter’s impetuous character yet he walked on water. Go for it, be a Peter. Don’t back down. Looking forward to you writing that you got one.

  10. Maybe we cannot raise the physically-dead until we become able to raise the spiritually-dead. Meaning, cause someone to encounter Christ and receive Him whenever we so choose. I’m not sure a power like that is even available to mortals, even believing mortals, since it is up to Master when any given individual encounters Him or not, right? Anyway, it’s just a thought ….

  11. Hi Jon,
    Thanks for your honest sharing. It is very interesting and provoked some thoughts in me which I will post here as food for thought.

    1. When a believer died in sickness, whose fault is it? the believer’s lack of faith? those who prayed for him lack faith? God didn’t care? or ??? (I’m asking this because you mentioned it’s not God’s will that one should die in sickness.) So when godly man/woman died of sickness, what will be some possible explanations?

    2. Is raising the dead a norm? or is it for a specific purpose that God wants to raise someone from the dead? Did Jesus heal everyone that he meet and raise every dead that he meet? What about the early church?

    3. I believe God can raise the dead if he wants to, and He can heal whoever He wants. The question is, can He also, as the sovereign God, choose not to heal, and not to raise the dead despite our prayers? Do we find such occurrences in the bible?

    4. I’m glad you dare to be radical. And I agree with you that God’s kingdom should come now. In a sense, it already has in the person of Christ. I’m wondering if raising the dead is a “greater” sign of God’s coming kingdom or is Christ-like love a better way of bearing witness to God’s kingdom. Do we wish to see more of the dead being raised to bring glory to God? or do we wish to see more of Christians who walk the talk and more churches who really love each other to bring him glory? I am not saying this is an either-or option. What I’m saying is that we often miss out focusing on the slow, persuading, persevering and powerful process of bearing witness to the gospel through love and becoming more Christ-like. Instead, we wish for more “instant” glory moments to bear witness to the power of the gospel, which of course can raise the dead if God so choose to. (i’m not saying you are one of those who run after such “instant” moments, but just giving some food for thought with regards to raising the dead vis-a-vis the daily Christian walk)

    Bless you bro. continue to be radical for Him.

    1. Hi Jason, thanks for your comment. Let me try and answer you from the position I’m at now – and of course I’m still learning :)

      1) I don’t like to use the word “fault” or “blame”, though sometimes I do just because it’s easier to do so. Because I believe it’s always God’s will to heal and that He’s provided it through Jesus’ stripes, the fault can’t be with God, but us. Either the person who is sick or the person who is praying. Having said that, there’s no need to feel condemned because we’re all imperfect and our faith is imperfect. If I pray for someone and there’s no healing, I wouldn’t blame the sick person simply because I’d rather blame myself. I could do better and I need to improve. But I’m not gonna condemn myself either!

      When a godly person dies, the explanation will be our failure – the person who prayed and/or the sick person. Again, no condemnation. Just shows that we’re living in an imperfect world and our faith is not where it is at.

      2) I think raising the dead should be the norm just based on the commission Jesus gave to his disciples, of which we are. I think there are various purposes for every healing or raising of the dead. It’s a demonstration of God’s power and His Kingdom having come, it’s a demonstration of God’s compassion, it’s a sign to unbelievers that God is real, etc.

      I believe Jesus healed everyone who came to Him and raised from the dead every person that was “brought” (which includes through word, not just physically) to Him. He didn’t heal and raise up everyone who was sick and dead around Him because he was operating as a man. But those who were brought to Him or came to Him, he healed or raised them. Yes, I do believe that. Thus the importance of faith. In a sense, Jesus didn’t go out searching for people to heal. Perhaps if He had more time on earth and didn’t have a specific mission to accomplish, He would have gone out and searched for everyone to demonstrate God’s power, etc. But He had a mission to fulfill.

      Regarding the early church, I dunno and I’d like to find out more about that. But from the miracles we hear in the Scriptures from the early disciples, I don’t see why not. But then again, the Bible is our model, not what happened in the early church. And for me, Jesus did give a commission to us to heal the sick and raise the dead. We’re not at that level and maybe even the early church wasn’t at that level, but that’s not to say we don’t seek to operate at that level. And I believe the closer we are to Jesus returning, the more we will operate at the ideal level.

      3) God is true to His Word. It’s not about His sovereignty because while He is sovereign, He has also chosen to be faithful to His Word. So if we have faith to heal the sick and raise the dead, I believe it will happen. I believe He desires to heal the sick and raise the dead even more than us. His love and compassion for people is much greater than ours. His desire to save people is more than ours.

      4) I don’t see why we can’t have both raising the dead and also seeing more Christ-like love in the Church? Were we asked to choose either-or? As you implied, no.

      I understand where you’re coming from. One of my favourite authors / theologians was Tom Smail and he said something like what you said. However, do remember that God’s healing and miracles were mostly instant. It was kind of God’s idea, not ours, to use the instant glory moments to bear witness to the power of the gospel. Just because the culture of this world emphasizes the instant in a bad way doesn’t mean the Bible’s instant is wrong. I think I’ll take the Bible’s standard over the world’s standard. We can’t read our cultural norms into the Bible.

      To me, the Bible’s my model, not man’s idea that somehow non-instant and more laborious and persevering showing of love is somehow better. I think both are good. However, priority is instant healing. If not, keep persevering for the healing while continuing to love the person. If the person doesn’t get healed, you continue to love them all the way.

      Cheers ;)

      1. Hi Jon,
        Thank you for the very cordial response. I enjoy such discussions and am learning too :) Here’s my response.

        1) “Because I believe it’s always God’s will to heal and that He’s provided it through Jesus’ stripes, the fault can’t be with God, but us.”
        I understand where you’re coming from. But is there any possibility that God (for some reasons that only He knows best) chose not to heal? (e.g. the same reason why He chose not to save His apostles from cruel executions)
        I’m glad you don’t condemn yourself when someone is not healed. But by saying that it’s rather your fault when someone is not healed, and that once you do better and improve, he/she will be healed, do you think you might give the impression that healing is largely based on your own effort? (e.g. one might think that as long as you can “squeeze” out enough faith, a person will be healed) I would like to know a little more on what you meant by “could do better” and “need to improve”.

        2) I agree with you that healing and raising the dead is a demonstration of God’s power and His Kingdom having come. I still believe God heals and God can raise the dead. But is it always a must-do(i.e. a commission) or is it a power that has been given to His followers/church to use as and when directed by Him to show His love and glory? I’m asking this because this “commission” you mentioned about raising the dead is only found in Matthew 10:8, and not in the other Gospels and other NT books. Was Matthew trying to tell his readers something through that account in 10:8? Or was it really a commission that other books scarcely mention?

        3) “God is true to His Word. It’s not about His sovereignty because while He is sovereign, He has also chosen to be faithful to His Word.”
        I agree God is true to His Word, and His Word said a lot about His sovereignty – that as God, He has the right to do whatever He pleases, and not sin, and is just, and perfect always in all that He chose to do. For example, God chose not to take away the thorn in Paul’s flesh. We can’t be 100% sure if it is a physical ailment, but whatever it is, it is causing Paul great pain. But God, in His sovereignty and wisdom, chose not to take that away. Can God heal? Can He take away Paul’s thorn? Definitely. But He, as God, has the prerogative to do it or not, and His decision is perfect.

        “I believe He desires to heal the sick and raise the dead even more than us.” Yes, I think God desires to heal the sick and raise the dead for
        His purpose and glory, but I think He desires to meet us more than keeping us on earth. For reasons only known to Him, He chose to call some home quicker, and some to stay on earth longer. Paul desires to meet him quicker (i.e. die) more than staying on earth for he said it’s much better(c.f. Phil 1:22-24). I think he’ll be upset if someone raises him from the dead.

        1. Hey Jason :)

          1) The Bible promises persecution and that’s why the Apostles suffered greatly – and we should be suffering too if we’re doing our jobs and fear God more than man! Haha. It doesn’t promise sickness for New Covenant believers.

          I believe that Jesus reveals the Father’s will and He clearly healed all who came to Him and that’s why I don’t believe it’s God’s will that somehow he would not want to heal someone who came to Him. Jesus mentioned also that He was willing to heal. Regarding some mysterious will that may prevent Him from wanting to heal, I think that sounds very spiritual and godly and yet the New Covenant focus is not that we don’t know some stuff and that somehow His thoughts are not ours. Rather, I believe the focus is that we have the mind of Christ and God’s will can be found most perfectly in and through Jesus and what He did. And that’s why I firmly believe it’s God’s desire to heal all the time – as I see that was the case in Jesus.

          You’re right to point out that faith is not a work. I think I need to improve in terms of renewing my mind and truly believing and getting unbelief out of me – just as Jesus said to His disciples.

          2) I don’t have my theology of raising the dead all figured out :) But let me say this of healing (and at least for the moment I’ll take that it applies to raising the dead): I don’t believe the Bible tells us to always ask God if we should heal the sick such that we do so only “as and when directed by Him”. In almost all cases, there wasn’t some “leading of the Spirit” or “clear direction from heaven” to go and heal and so I don’t need any clear leading to heal the sick and raise the dead. In fact, there were times when Jesus was pleasantly surprised by the faith of people who sought Him for healing. For example, the woman with the issue of blood and the two people of great faith (Centurion and Canaanite woman). This tells me that Jesus wasn’t always aware beforehand of the healing, as if all healings needed to be clearly “led” by God. To be sure, you are right that there is less on raising the dead than healing the sick, but I have no reason to think that it’s any different for Jesus also raised from the dead everyone who came to him (I mean here their friends/family of course).

          3) The whole issue of God’s sovereignty is a huge one. Suffice to say, I was once Reformed and so I am extremely familiar with all the talk about sovereignty. It’s probably too big an issue to discuss here, but my view is that if you hold to the view of sovereignty as you do above, it’s going to be very hard to exercise faith for healing – or anything for that matter. If a person has no idea whether it’s God’s will to miraculously heal in any scenario, how can one have confidence (faith) that He’ll do so? And that’s the reason why there are infinitely more healings happening in some churches than others. The belief and doctrine affects our faith or lack of.

          The God I believe in is not one whose will is unbelievably mysterious – the New Covenant focus is on clarity and understanding, not mystery. Where God has revealed in the Bible certain things, there’s no need to try to water it down by saying, “But remember that God is sovereign and in control and therefore He could…”. To me, God is clear in the Bible that He desires to heal all who come to Him. That may not be clear to you, but it’s clear to me and so for me when I see from Scripture His desire to do so, I don’t revert back to His sovereignty when some people are clearly not healed. It’s not because of His mysterious will. The problem lies somewhere else. I’d rather go back to what Jesus told His disciples when they failed to get someone delivered from demons – lack of faith, unbelief.

          So I’m not going to always appeal to His Sovereignty to say that maybe this is not true always and that God has a special case for this person or that and we don’t fully know. It’s like someone telling me that maybe God doesn’t want this person saved because of this or that reason that we don’t know. I tell him that God does desire everyone to be saved and it’s in Scripture – 2 Pet. 3:9. But then he tells me, “But you do believe in His Sovereignty don’t you? Perhaps He doesn’t want this person saved. Who are you to say that He wants him saved? Are you God? Be careful now…”. This line of argument is of course stupid because God doesn’t contradict himself.

          I still haven’t come across a case where someone approached Jesus for healing and He deferred to the Father’s mysterious and good and just will for not wanting to heal the person. No, He healed them all and He reflects the Father’s will. That’s why I strongly believe it’s God’s desire for all to be healed. Any failure for healing is not on God’s part, as if somehow a good and loving God would not do all He can to take away the sicknesses of his children when an earthly father who is less loving would have better sense than that. How much more our heavenly Father indeed…

          Anyway, thanks for the conversation. I’m not exactly keen on continuing a debate here. I’ve been in enough debates for 15 years to know that most of the time it doesn’t change anything. If you’re in Singapore and want to meet one day to discuss this, I’d be most happy to. Cheers!

      2. haha, okay we shall end our discussion here.

        Here’s a book I’ll recommend to you. (i might not agree with everything written in it but it has a lot of good stuff on faith, healing and personal stories). Title: The real faith for healing. By: Charles S.Price.
        (a classic available at amazon)


        1. Thanks for your recommendation Jason. I came across that book before recently and have just added it to my Amazon Wish List. I’ll probably get it one day if it’s found in Singapore! :)

  12. Hey Chaps!! Yay!!

    You men (and women..?) of GREAT faith.. His faith..

    I have tried to raise the dead to embaressing ‘proportions’ nothing yet (when at school I had plans to study medicine so I have over 1000 voluntary hours serving on the ambulance service!) – but still undeterred.. I believe we gonna see this more and more as are more established in WHO we are.. and our culture and expectation for the divine becomes more real than our natural mortal surrounds.

    On a side note.. I have prayed and know people who have prayed and received outstanding healing miracles ‘moments’ from death.. do you think – this is just a supposition.. that the persons faith with yours sometimes makes it easier.. for recovery. And/or once they have ‘passed’ from our world to HIS – they maybe don’t wanna come back..?

    I ask this cause my father in law died in 2006 I aggressively fought his condition and even got a friend – Ron Kussmaul on the line from JBG. Ron told me in the spirit that my father in law wanted to stay where he was.. He said he saw him in glory.. I thought he was ‘unsaved’ – hence my aggressive – WAKE UP!!! I didn’t accept that and said then he (my father in law must) wake up and tell me himself.. the morgue ppl were ticked when I wouldn’t leave and the body was warming.. I performed CPR, relentlessly.. commanded he raise up and walk.. I was undeterred.

    A few days later his daughter (totally un convinced there is a God) said she had a dream of dad with light comming out everywhere and he said look my name is in the book – wow!!

    I more recently was called to help a neighbour who stopped breathing – as I performed CPR.. I saw the man standing away from his own body looking down on me.. I kept telling him John choose Jesus – (he too was an athiest).. now believe me or not I ‘led’ a man to the lord who wasn’t in his body.. kept on with CPR until paramedics arrived – 2 days later they switched off life support.. I believe the spirit to be more real than the natural. RAISE THE DEAD!!! The spiritual dead and those absent from the body!!

    Add me as a friend on fbook – cristin flynn and let me know when you do!! :)

  13. I noticed that you were going to contact the Dead Raising Team and see what they suggested. Did you ever hear back and could you share what you heard?
    I am very interested in this topic because I feel in my heart my day is comming where I will do just that but wonder about specifics.

  14. I just really appreciate your authentic way of working through this, and sharing so transparently. Thank you. I haven’t yet had the courage and/or opportunity to pursue this but I pray I will!

    It is so encouraging to see you doing the Word in just the way Jesus talked about it! Press on!

  15. I belive in the dead being raised. I loved reading this blog! I thin kif we are interested in seeing this then take as many opportunities to pray for them! I have a Nephew who passed early Wednesday am, December 14,2011.
    I want ot belvie for God to raise Him, too! His name is Larry and was only 28.
    thanks for prayers!

  16. My mom died 2 days ago. I contacted the DRT by email. Still haven’t got a response.

    She is frozen till burial day on Saturday this week (1/7/2012). And there has been lots of distractions with families and friends coming (although with good intention). It makes me nervous because it distracts me from trying to get equipped to see if I can raise my mom, and almost everyone just accepts her death, which is understandable but discouraging.

    I bought the book “How To Raise The Dead” by Tyler Johnson. I’m reading it for now. I just wonder if it takes an arm and a leg to raise the dead?

  17. Re- Prayer of intercession to raise your loved ones (Heb11: 35a)
    Shalom! Brethren,
    Glad to support those who desire to “snatch their loved ones back again from death” Heb 35:a. Would it be ok for us to arrange to intercede together via video conferencing? We can route million of demonic resistance easier by corporate prayer of faith and command tombs to open (Ezk 37; Jn11:25-27; Heb13:20; Ps118:17). Pls. let have your thoughts

    Many thanks

  18. Is this actually serious? Now we’re trying to start a Christian movement for raising the dead?

    The only think you’re actually right on is this: we have fallen far away from the Bible norms and early Christianity, neither of which involve raising the dead and finding the newest fun thing to “do for Jesus.” Instead, it involves nitty, gritty work to preach and share the Gospel of Christ so that those who do die are raised to life in heaven, not here again on earth…

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