Trip to the States

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I was in two minds about sharing about my trip to the States here because I don’t want to reveal too much about myself personally on this website. But I’m going to do so anyway!

I’ll be on a trip to the United States from 22nd June to 15th July. Those who know me well know that I’ve been involved in ministry to international students and I’m very passionate about that. I haven’t shared a lot here for various reasons, but I hope to do so more in future. Anyway, because of this ministry interest, I’ve been in touch the last two years with a large para-church organization from America (that reaches out to international students) which is hoping to be more active in Singapore. They invited me to their national conference and their headquarters in the States so we could both get to know more of each other – with the view of me perhaps becoming a ministry representative for them in Singapore. I said I’d go if they paid for the trip – and so I’m going! So blessed!

Since I was going to be in the States, I thought I’d make good use of my time there and arrange to go to some other conferences on my expense. It’s so incredible that two conferences (involving two Christian leaders whose materials I’ve been devouring recently) take place before and after the above trip. So I’ll be going to Bill Johnson’s Bethel Church’s Kingdom Culture Conference from the 23rd to 25th of June. And also to Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technician training in Arkansas from 8th to 10th of July. I’ll also be visiting my brother after in San Francisco on the way back to Singapore.

So this trip will be awesome! Two things that have been on my heart for the past two years are reaching out to international students and moving in healing. And so I’m excited for this opportunity to learn more about both during this trip.

[I don’t know anyone who will be going to the Kingdom Culture and Divine Healing Technician conferences. So if anyone who’s going happens to read this, do drop me a comment or email at idealist at and we could meet up! :)]

If anyone would like to pray for me, do pray that I’ll have a life-transforming encounter in the states and learn a lot!

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  1. Hi TS,

    Thanks for your comment and prayer. I suppose you’re familiar with Curry Blake and JGLM. That’s wonderful.

    I heard Blake came to Singapore years ago but nothing came out of it. I’m hoping to talk to people who were at that meeting. Were you?

    In Arkansas, I do hope to talk to Blake about coming back to Singapore in future if I could get enough Christian leaders and Christians to support his coming. I’ve been giving out his videos to people I know.

    It’s actually been in my heart ever since hearing Blake’s message to get together Christians to form a team to discuss and practice healing – using Blake’s materials and others. I’m a nobody who hasn’t been used by God in healing, but somehow since hearing Blake’s message, I feel God can use nobodies like me.

    I’ve talked to various friends already and will see how it works out :) Anyone interested in exploring studying and practicing healing together, do drop a comment here.

  2. Thank you, SHF, for sharing with us what God has put on your heart.

    I look forward to hearing what God has done and inputed into you during the trip.

    Very excited for you, my brother!

  3. I downloaded the dht recently too. Never did any healing so far. Not even aware that he came to Singapore. Actually, I am very new to this healing ministry but am interested to explore

  4. Very excited for you brother! I pray by the grace of God that you’ll have an incredibly fruitful time during your trip. And do continue to share and blog about your experiences. I believe that I’m not the only one who’s always blessed by your posts which never fail to be insightful and gracious.

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