Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technican (DHT) in Arkansas – Part 2

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First night of healing at Walmart

The first two nights, my friends and I went to Walmart after dinner to heal people. Before we went to Walmart, we ate at a fast food restaurant and here’s Caleb spending time talking to some youth and keeping his covenant to God (as he told me) to pray for everyone he sees that needs healing:

After dinner, we spent about 1 hour in Walmart. Michael and Ashley prayed for someone who had an injured leg. He came to get some medicine for the pain and left without needing any medicine as the pain had left:

At night, he called Michael, telling him that the swell on his face that was also prayed over had decreased significantly in size. JD also had the opportunity to pray for someone using a walking stick also and shared the gospel. For me, I approached 3 people but they didn’t really want to be prayed for.

When we reached the hotel at night, the five of us spent some time just worshiping God and soaking. They also prophesied over each other and over me. When they asked me if they could pray for me in any way, I mentioned my eyesight – I’m short-sighted. The four of them spent about 20-30 minutes just commanding the eyes to be healed in Jesus’ name. They didn’t just pray/command once, but continued for some time and took it upon themselves to see my eyes healed, though it didn’t heal. This may sound stupid and most of us probably wouldn’t think God would heal something like this, but we’re all convinced that if God can heal other diseases and other things, He can heal something like myopia. (More on this and contending for, and persevering in, healing in future posts). We ended the night by watching a video of Todd White, someone we all looked up to because of his ministry combining power (healing), love and the prophetic.

That night was the first time I’ve ever done this (praying in the streets or in shops for total strangers) with friends. It was definitely an experience for me and I learned to be more bold in approaching people!

Second night of healing at Walmart

On the second night at Walmart, we were joined by about 4 other young people, two of whom  (one was Nick) spent the previous night healing people in other parts of the city. We spent about 1.5 hours there in total and saw many healings – especially at the Shoes section:

In the afternoon, Michael had already grown a person’s leg during one of the training session breaks:

In Walmart, we approached a Hispanic lady on a wheelchair. We talked a lot to the Hispanic family and saw a few legs growing out, pain leaving from people’s bodies and lives being touched as we listened to them and told them about Jesus.

I spent time talking to my friends, seeing them in action and walking around Walmart looking for people to heal. I dunno if there’s an impartation of anointing, but what I definitely know is that when you hang around people who are experienced in this area and just talk to them, see them in action and join along with them – when you do that, you learn and grow bolder. There’s definitely growth by association.

Healing in a home on the morning of the third day

The first Hispanic lady we met at Walmart the previous night invited us to her house after just a few minutes of talking to us. So on the third day morning, we spent about 1 hour + at her place. We talked to the lady and her husband (they spoke mainly Spanish so two of us were doing most of the talking – one of the two was a Chinese Singaporean!). We prayed for both of them and pain in her shoulders and back left, her legs were strengthened enough for her to walk around without her walking stick and pain in his foot left. She started to shake her side in happiness and disbelief that pain had left her back and also cried. It’s such a sight to behold when you see people healed and they are so surprised yet full of joy! That’s Jesus touching their lives! Her daughter came and later we prayed for her and two people prophesied over her.

Overall, the three days going out with other young people (probably all in their twenties) and healing the sick was just totally awesome! I’ve seen all this in Youtube and read so much about how even ordinary people (like you and me) went to the streets and the public to heal people and demonstrate God’s love and power, but living it out together with others was just a crazy experience! These experiences alone were well worth the cost and time of the whole trip! I had even more experiences later on in my trip which I’ll write about in future posts.

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  1. Awesome. That’s how we Christian should be. Mark 16:15 … Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”

    It is such an encouragement to read your blog and see others living out God’s will. Hope to see you ministering to the sick on the street. Show the world how deep God’s love is for them.

  2. Hey Anthony, since I’ve spent time with Michael’s group and the other various groups in America, I’ve started to step out in faith and pray for people everywhere I go. I’ve approached many people on the streets and prayed for them since I returned to Singapore. Hope to see you this Saturday and I’m hoping to gather a group of people that will encourage and challenge each other to do this as a lifestyle. The power and love of God will be manifested as we go into the unbelieving world. This is for them and not meant to be kept within the four church walls!

    Thanks Michael. Will be following your journey through your blog :)

  3. Drop me a mail re meeting time and place. I’ll love to be there. I’m filled with expectancy for this meeting. My heart is burning to do God’s work as you and Michael are.

    The veil has been removed. Now the gate of hell shall not prevail. I thank God that you are now ministering to the sick and needy in the street. Since going through the DHT mp3, I see sick people everywhere. His compassion is stirring me to minister to them.


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