Healing Revival at Disneyland

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I’ve been following Bill Johnson’s ministry since my cousin from Melbourne, Australia told me about him. Last year, I shared with him about the ministry of Pastor Joseph Prince and gave him some CDs and he told me how he was into Bill Johnson’s ministry. I mentioned a bit about Bill Johnson here. A church in Singapore that has been greatly influenced by his ministry and regularly invite him and his church people to Singapore is Church of Our Saviour.

Bill Johnson’s ministry focuses on the supernatural – healing and miracles. The really amazing thing about his church is that the members are taught to believe God for healing everytime they pray for somebody and they actually pray for their friends and go into the streets and the public to pray for people. They expect Jesus to heal, and they see Jesus’ healing power manifest! To me that’s just like Jesus’ ministry isn’t it? We’re constantly told that the Church can be like that. But I’ve seldom come across a church that actually does that. I mean, yes, we have charismatic churches that believe in healing. But Bill Johnson’s church members seem to actually go out there (into the public, not just in the church) and believe that everyone they pray for can be healed! And there have been tons of testimonies of healing – just like this grocery store healing testimony and the ones below. That’s something special and I think he’s got a lot to teach the body of Christ. I just bought some books by him which I had wanted to get for a long time.

Anyway, I was hearing a recent sermon by Bill Johnson online and he mentioned how some members went to Disneyland to pray for the sick. The result was over 120 healings / miracles and 100 conversions. Is that super duper amazing or what! Check out these four videos below. It’s not just about the healings (which are meant to point to Jesus), but see how happy the people who received them were and you can imagine how their lives would be changed after all this:

For a written testimony of the day, go here.

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  1. Hi Stillhaventfound,

    This is the only church I know that equips the church people to pray for the sick in public and even have impromptu healing services in surpermarkets, streets, shopping malls and now Disneyland. Amazing…..a glimpse of the Church of the future? Would be exciting wouldn’t it?

  2. I will be going with some Christian friends to Disneyland in December to see what God will do. God had put it on my heart 2 years ago to pray throughout the park for his redemptive purposes, for salvation, that people would know His kingdom. With people like yourselves, I know my prayers were answered. Now, I am going with some friends and we will be open to whatever God does.

  3. This write up is amazing. I have two herniated discs and a back condition that have changed my life and I have lived with discomfort and pain for almost two years. I’m praying for a touch from God and permanent healing.

    Thank you for posting stuff like this that helps me keep my faith.

    God bless

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