The Australian national co-ordinator of JGLM, Enzo De Vincentis, will be in Singapore (or around this area) from around 16 to 25th March 2012 or so. As my readers know, I’ve been hugely impacted by Curry Blake and JGLM and I’ve written a lot of blog posts on the teachings by Curry Blake (Overseer of the John G. Lake Ministries) and JGLM. It’s been 1.5 years since I first heard the 19 mp3 series Divine Healing Technician (DHT) by Curry Blake which transformed my thinking on (and practice of) healing and my life. I’m a huge believer of drawing from different people and not following just one and I’ve drawn from many other teachers / practitioners when it comes to healing – people like Joseph Prince, Roger Sapp, Andrew Wommack and Bill Johnson. But if I had to choose one message on healing, the choice would be easy. It would be by Curry Blake and JGLM. When it comes to healing, I do feel his message is the most biblical one. If you want to know why, you can read my previous posts like Why You Should Eat Your Curry (Blake) Before Paying The Bill (Johnson), Bruce Latshaw On Vineyard’s vs. John G. Lake’s Healing Model, Two ways to minister? – Part 1, Curry Blake of John G. Lake Ministries and Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technician (DHT) training course – Part 1.
The reason why Curry’s and JGLM’s healing message has impacted me so much is because it’s different. I’ve been around charismatic circles for a while but I’ve never heard healing taught the way it’s taught by Curry. It’s radical. Most healing messages are NOT like what you’d hear from Curry. In fact, Curry destroys a lot of sacred cow teachings on healing or related to healing that is prevalent in charismatic Christianity and which has held a lot of us back from moving in the power of God. It’s Curry’s message which has challenged so many people to step out and practice healing. Curry is not a big name simply because a lot of people cannot accept the message he teaches and the way he destroys a lot of sacred cow beliefs. So he doesn’t move in the big name circuit like Bill Johnson (who, by the way, I love) but over the last few years he’s slowly built a following because of the impact the message has produced in people’s lives. One of the areas where his impact has been felt a lot is on Facebook where hundreds of people all over the world are connected because of their passion for healing which, for many, first began after having heard Curry.
Having said all that in praise of Curry Blake’s ministry, let me just say I’m not affiliated with his ministry in any way and I’m sure I don’t agree with everything that he teaches or says – I think if anyone agrees with everything that any other person teaches, it’s either because the person isn’t very smart or doesn’t have a mind of his own. I know some stuff I would say differently or even believe differently. But I love JGLM because I have not heard as biblical a message on healing (overall) as I have from there.
Anyway, I wrote all of the above because many have not heard of Curry. If you haven’t, you need to listen to his 19 mp3s on healing (see above). You may not agree with everything, but you’re guaranteed to be challenged to think more about what the Bible says about healing.
Hosting JGLM in Singapore
OK, anyway, the main point of this post: In March 2012, a group of Australians led by the Australian national co-ordinator of JGLM Australia will be coming to minister in Singapore. Because Curry or JGLM isn’t yet well-known here, I’m helping them to find ministry opportunities here. If your small group or your church is interested to find out more about hosting this group of people from JGLM Australia, let me know and I could put you in contact with them. The dates again are 16th to 25th March. I’m trying to arrange for a trip for them to Johor and Batam during that time. But Singapore comes first! They can do a 1-2 day healing conference. Regarding expenses, I probably can get some people to cover most, if not all, of the expenses, so this shouldn’t be a great concern. So you can contact me at jonathan at to find out more and I’ll be glad to chat more and share with you more about Curry Blake and JGLM.
PS: We’ve decided to postpone the event to later this year – maybe June or later – so that this could be organized better!
An interested to attend curry meet. Do rep me posted?
Hi Vincent, the JGLM, team will be doing a DHT seminar in Singapore from thr 19-21st October, at the Victory Harvest Church,and a few more venues that have yet to be confirmed. You can contact Jonathan or me for further details after next week…Blessings Shanta
is DHT coming to singapore anytime soon?
why dont you come to india please visit us to serve in india
Hi, a few months back I came across Curry Blake’s videos/msges as I was asking God for some solid teaching especially on healing and i know it is not by chance that I came across his teaching.
I was looking forward to attend the seminar by JGLM but unfortunately, i will be away from 16-22 March. What a timing!!! But do keep me inform on the venue as my sister plan to attend Bill Johnson’s meeting around the same time and i will let her know about JGLM meeting as well. Perhaps she can attend if there is no conflict to the meeting dates.
Hi I am interested to attend the meeting on 16-25 march. Please keep me informed.joanne
Hey Jon!
I’m interested to attend and have emailed you privately Pls let us know The details!! Tks!!
Kindly keep me informed of Curry Blake’s teaching seminar…thank you. :)
I am interesting to attend your training
please inform details and give opportunity
I have also been extremely challenged and blessed by John G. Lake’s testimony and ministry, and also by that of Curry Blake’s. I am now seeking to apply the simple faith teaching they taught as according to the Word of God.
I am curious about one thing though – is there a documented, independently (autonomously) witnessed and certified, clinically/scientifically verified miracle done through Bro. Curry or any of the present practitioners of divine healing. I read that Lake asked doctors to examine the healed before and after they were healed to show God’s wonder, is there any thing like that? I think there should exist something like that, what are your thoughts?
My question stems out from:
1. Many are calling Bro. Curry a fake on many websites and online forums. It would be nice to share on these website these verified miracles and challenge some of the thinking of the people on these website, although they can still choose to reject the verification. But, at the same time, they have a chance to encounter Jesus if they were given the chance.
2. Some “theology” professors/writers would be proven wrong about their stance on miracles and the supernatural. They might get become convinced of the reality and eventually honour God with their own divine healing ministry, who knows?
Again, what do you think?
:-) sorry for the long comment.
I’m interested!! Please keep in informed :)
Hi, I am very interested in having the team come and teach in my church or in my Care Group. If you can give me the exact dates, I will try to organise a venue. Most probably at Living Hope Methodist Church. We have Bi monthly Healing sessions on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month ( except during the school holidays in June ) where we pray for the sick. Please let me know as soon as possible so I have more time for publicity. Every Blessing
Hi Johnathan, and all you interrested people out there, I have confirmed with Enzo De Vincentis on Skype to hold a DHT at my Church, from the 13th (Thurs ) evening to 15th Sat whole day of Sept 2012, at Living Hope Methodist Church. After the teaching on Sat.there will be a healing service in the evening.. He will also be teaching on 22nd and 23rd at another church. Will give you full details in a weeks time. The team of 4 will be leaving bak for Sydney on the 25th. If anyone else wants to invite them they could do 2 ,two day sessions between the 17th to the 21st.
I am also looking for accomodation for the 4 of them.Anyone care to help.
Next year, Enzo says he will ask Curry to come and do the One New Man, at my church..Awesome ..
Hi Shanta,
Are you bringing Curry Blake in this year? I’m keen to attend his sessions and to assist in any way possible.
Please let me know if and when you will have a meeting as I have a German friend in Singapour who is going blind. Pls pray for her, Carlotta is her name. Thank you so much!
Praying for you all, Manuela
Please keep us informed of when and where you will be coming to Asia. I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and I am very interested to attend your program when you come this way. Thailand Bangkok would be best as it is between Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia, but let us know anyway as we have been introduced to the JGLM recently and have been practicing it on our own.
Hi Jonathan,
I was informed about your blog through my friend Matthew Woo. I’ve been listening to Curry Blake’s teachings and so far he seems to me the best in teaching about healing. I’ve heard others like Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Ian Andrews, Georgian Banov etc. All of them are great but to me Curry goes back to the basics of what the Bible teaches on healing. I’m writing to find out if you or anyone intends to bring Curry Blake in this year. If he is coming, I’d like to offer assistance in any way that I can.
Hi Zhengqin,
Are you with Matthew’s group? Matthew’s doing fantastic stuff relating to healing!
Yes, I’ve read/listened to a lot of people on healing and Curry’s teachings are definitely the most foundational and biblical. Love them all and appreciate them all, but I do think Curry’s teachings challenge us to live up to the standard of what the Bible says is true of us and ought to be true of healing, rather than interpreting the Bible and healing based on our experiences.
Regarding bringing Curry to Singapore, yes, there are plans to do so and let’s hope that comes to pass. The Australian JGLM leadership team that came to Singapore recently is helping us to try to arrange for that. But that will depend on Curry’s schedule.
Keep in touch. Cheers!