Week of Healing and Learning

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It’s been a pretty crazy week or so of healing – and along with that learning and reflection. I’ve been getting bolder since Saturday’s meeting and have prayed for tons of people everywhere I go. It’s also been good gathering with other brothers and sisters who have been running with this healing message and encouraging and challenging each other to pray for people.

At Church

The past two Sundays (15th and 22nd August), I prayed for about 5 people in total from New Creation and all of them (at least according to what they said) received healing or felt better in one way or another. Approaching church people and Christians is easy because you know they’ll definitely be open to receive prayer. Of course most probably don’t actually expect anything to happen when you pray!

On 15th August, I entered the service, saw wheelchairs and thought I’m going to pray for these people after service if I have the opportunity – I didn’t have the opportunity later as I was praying for someone at the end of the service. During the time when the invitation to receive Jesus was given – a time when some people leave – I saw a lady leave the auditorium limping. I hesitated for a while then just left my seat and ran out to approach her. I prayed for her and commanded pain to leave her shoulder and it did. We exchanged information and I’m hoping to visit her house with my friends to continue to pray for her and her family. Later in the evening I approached another lady limping and using an umbrella as a walking stick to walk. I found out she was an usher from New Creation and I commanded pain to leave her knee till it left and she was able to walk much better – without using the umbrella.

And last Sunday (22nd August), I prayed for a lady on wheelchair recovering from a broken/fractured ankle in a cast. She didn’t really have pain unless she moved her foot at some positions. After prayer, I got her to try moving it to see if there is any pain and she said she couldn’t feel any pain anymore. I approached a guy carrying a Rock bookstore plastic bag who was limping in the MRT. While waiting for the train, he shared with me his physical problems resulting from an accident years ago. One of his legs was very slightly shorter than the other and so I got him to sit down and stretch forth both legs and I commanded the left to grow. I believe I saw it grow, though I told him to go back and confirm that with me. I also prayed for his right leg that had many problems. We exchanged contacts and so I’ll follow up with him.

Crazy Monday

The previous Monday (16th August) was a crazy day with about 8 people being touched by Jesus’ healing love – all while I was just going about my normal daily routine. I met Alastair in Chinatown before he left Singapore in the afternoon. On the way there I approached a foreign worker with a bandaged thumb, prayed and all the pain left. Before Alastair and I left McDonald’s, I approached a guy with awkward/restricted hand movement that I had been observing in Macs. I commanded pain to leave his hand a few times and he could lift it up above his shoulders. Later in the afternoon outside my office, I was talking to a friend on the phone. A guy limping walked past and I immediately stopped him and asked him about his leg. While still on the phone, I prayed until the pain was completely gone and he was able to walk normally. During my break I went to Bukit Merah Central (as I normally do) and I prayed for a guy selling tissues whom I had prayed for a few weeks ago. Pain left his knees and then his eyesight dramatically improved according to him. The funny thing is that I came back two days later (Wednesday) and he said the pain and his eyesight returned to what it was before – and I had to get that fixed again. I’ll be following up with him.

At the Central, I approached a person who was limping and after asking about his pain, I asked if I could pray for him. He was hesitant and wondered why someone who help him for free. I told him I’m just there to pray and I’m not asking for anything in return. I prayed and the pain left. Later, I bought some stuff at NTUC FairPrice and saw an Indian cashier lady talking openly to her customers so when it was my turn I struck up a conversation and asked her if she had any pain in her body. She said she had pain and I prayed for her shoulders till pain completely left and then started on her ankle. But because she was a bit uncomfortable as she was meant to be working, she invited me to visit her to pray for her and her husband after hearing that my friends and I would go anywhere (including homes) to pray for people.

After work, I saw an old lady limping when walking along an overhead bridge. In my best (not very good!) Mandarin, I asked her if she had pain and then asked if I could pray for her. She said, “No”. I started to walk slowly ahead of her (she was walking in the same direction as I was) and then looked back and commanded the pain to leave her legs in English. She saw what I was doing of course and then I said to her in my pathetic Mandarin, “It’s better right?”. She kind of nodded, then that opened an opportunity to lay hands on her legs and continue praying for the complete healing. I left after and while I can’t be totally sure if all pain left, I know she felt better.

On my way back home close to midnight, I approached a guy on my path and asked him if he had pain in his body. He said yes and I prayed for him as I walked a while with him. He was very open to me praying and placing my hands on his shoulders as we walked towards his car. By then, there was only about 5% pain left according to him.

At a hospital

On Tuesday (17th August) and Wednesday (18th August) night, I met up with one (17th) and three (18th) other friends to pray in a hospital. On Tuesday morning, I prayed for a Christian colleague of mine and sore and pain completely left his hand. Interestingly, I found out later that just like when I prayed for his hurting back/hip which I mentioned here, while the pain left completely upon prayer, it came back again for a short while but then left forever soon after.

At the hospital, my friend and I prayed for a few people in wheelchairs with diabetes, liver cancer, etc. There weren’t any visible manifestations. We met a young guy who’s attended FCBC for many years. We prayed for his high blood pressure. He said he’s homeless and jobless and I gave him some money when he asked. I prayed over it and asked God to bless the gift and that he’ll be able to get a job soon. I also left him my contact and asked him to contact me if he needs anything and he’s called me a few times since (he told me he’s found a job!). I want to help him more and yet I don’t know how to. I know most people and even Christians would just say that we should be careful that this person doesn’t depend on us and all that nonsense. These people may be a burden to society and even Christians, and yet I know Jesus deeply loves the outcasts and marginalized of society.

We approached a young lady who was on a crutch. Her knee was broken and completely dislocated. It looked very awkward – not just a fracture or break, but it was quite out of position. To be honest, I didn’t know how to pray for her. We prayed and I commanded the knee/leg to be totally normal and in place but nothing visible happened and we just left her. I felt bad in a way. There has to be more – like a miracle that sorts out the problem totally. I’ve been kind of thinking how to pray for such a thing in future. I heard Curry mentioned he prayed for this person with club feet and something else and he got her to get out of her wheelchair and walk after prayer and soon after walking, every step got better and her feet was back to normal. So who knows, maybe I should just get the person to walk and expect the miracle to manifest as the person walks!

We came across two Indian ladies in the food court who were not patients. Both of them got completely healed of knee pain and one of ankle pain as we prayed and then asked them to walk to test it out. One thing I’ve been learning is getting people to try it out like we did for these two ladies. We got them to walk around and then pain completely left. That step of faith completed the process of complete healing in a way.

We approached this guy with a neck brace and talked to him. He seemed genuinely happy and open to talk as he told us about his neck/spine problem. We prayed for him then arranged to meet him the next day as we were coming again Wednesday.

We also prayed for three men who were patients and back pain left in one and almost all pain left in another person’s leg. We also prayed for their other conditions without any visible/tangible manifestation.

Outside the hospital, we approached a lady with a bandage on her wrist. All pain left. The same for a guy we approached along an underground walkway with a bandaged knee. In a shopping centre near the hospital, I saw a young guy limping a bit. I put my hand on his shoulders and asked him about his pain. He didn’t really want to be prayed for but too late – I pointed to his ankle and commanded pain to leave. After hitting it twice, it left. Then I told him Jesus loves him!

The next day (Wednesday) at the hospital and outside, we saw pain leave a patient’s head and another patient’s knees. Pain in the hips of an old lady left and a young girl on a wheelchair had pain leave her fingers. The four of us also spent some time with the guy we met the day before with neck/spine problems. We had a good talk with him, prayed for him and managed to share God’s love with him. I know he was definitely touched to see strangers spending time talking to him and praying for him. I’m hoping to meet up with him at his house this coming week to pray for complete healing for him before his operation.

Other healings

During the rest of the week, we prayed for other people individually in the course of our daily lives and saw healings – mostly pain leaving. One healing that encouraged me was when I prayed for my domestic worker who was coming down with a fever/cold. Nothing happened when I prayed but I told her not to take the medicine, but to wait a while. And after a while she felt completely well! Haha. I’m getting her to listen to Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technician (DHT) training and I told her that she’ll be healing people when she returns to Philippines!

Some thoughts

Pain seems to be the easiest to see go away. This isn’t always the case for I’ve commanded pain to leave but haven’t always seen all pain go away. But it happens most of the time.

My friends and I want to grow and see greater healings. We’re not contented with just seeing pain leave. We thank God for how far we’ve come and yet we’re not satisfied. We’re spiritual gluttons and want to see God’s healing power move in a greater way through us. There are people suffering from different types of conditions and Jesus has paid for their healing already.

Now, of course I’m taught that one healing is the same as the other and there are no harder healings. But then, I’ve seen pain leave so easily, but I haven’t seen much else – yet! It could be my mindset limiting my faith to see other healings which could actually just be as easy as the rest? Something to think about.

Going to hospitals is definitely challenging. We hope to visit a hospital one night a week to pray and learn along the way. In the hospital you see so much greater need – much more than just the need to see pain gone. I dunno how to deal with a lot of what i see but God will teach me along the way.

One thing I’m still reflecting a lot upon is whether I should be concerned if there’s no visible or tangible manifestation upon prayer. On one hand, I have to remind myself that this doesn’t mean that the person won’t recover. There are many cases in people’s healing ministry whereby the person gets healed or recovers soon after and not immediately upon prayer. On the other hand, I also hear instances of immediate manifestation and healing when one prays – not just a simple few seconds prayer and then end the time there, but an extended prayer time that results in a definite manifestation and healing (e.g. heat, electricity, actual moving of bones, etc.). This extended prayer time doesn’t mean prayers are long, but that we pray short prayers (of command) then wait and do this over and over again until we see the manifestation. The point is to pray and wait until something happens – and not to end things straight away after a simple prayer. I watched this YouTube by Pete Cabrera and noticed that parts of the video was edited out for the sake of time. I asked Pete how long it actually took from the time he started praying/commanding till the actual manifestation and he said 10 minutes tops.

As mentioned above, I want to visit the person with the neck/spine problem and just pray and command his bones to be normal until something happens – and not give up too quickly. Regarding the person I prayed for with polio I mentioned here that didn’t get her leg lengthened, I wanted to carry on commanding until something happened, however the couple wanted to stop so I stopped. However, I believe that had I continued, the leg would have grown.

One thing I’ve noticed is heat coming upon a person sometimes when I pray and lay hands on them. That’s something new for me as I don’t think this has happened through my prayers/laying of hands before. But heat is always good! It shows God is working.

I’m also still struggling with my own healing and not seeing results, but pushing on and pressing in! Not giving up on anything because this is just the beginning of an exciting journey and I truly believe that as I continue to seek God in this area, He will teach me and I’ll learn more and more things.

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  1. Hi SHF,
    The Kingdom of God is near us and in us. Bringing healing to people in the name of Jesus, we also usher in the Kingdom of God in power. It is great to hear that you are serious and single minded in bringing out the truth on the authority to heal. I am beginning to understand more about this whole area on healing as I read your lessons and learnings. May you press on in learning and doing the works of Jesus in your life.
    In your ministry time with the sick and afflicted, do you also preach the good news about the Kingdom?

  2. Hi Kevin, thanks and hopefully we can go out together soon!

    Wee, thanks. That’s a good question. That’s something I’ve been mulling over as I interact with people with different views. So far, I’ve remained in contact with some and hope to slowly share. I don’t like forcing the gospel down people’s throat. For others I meet along the way, it’s a choice between 1) just walking past them or 2) praying for healing for them and then just leaving them, letting them know that Jesus loves them and healed them – while the latter is not ideal, I think it’s better than the former.

    Sometimes opportunities allow me to further converse with them and follow-up with them. However, sometimes it doesn’t and I think leaving them with a touch of Jesus’ love and power is better than just walking past them. I’m also creating a name card to pass to people I’ve prayed for that will refer them to a website so more can be communicated than in the short time I’m with someone. One thing I also try to do whenever possible is proclaim the gospel through my prayer.

    I’m still learning and so will change my style and what I do I’m sure as things progress!

  3. jon, was just thinking of the ministry of healing and love today, and felt compelled to share this word with you:

    “The healing ministry is not about making sure that pain is relieved, or a broken arm restored, or a sickness taken away, but rather the desire to love and for these people to know that they are being cared for. Heal the soul, and manifestations will follow.

    Jesus didn’t come to take the leprosy away from the leper. He came to touch the leper before healing his disease.”

    It’s great that you wish to see sickness be taken away from a person whom you prayed for, and to desire that the power of God to heal be shown through you, but don’t be discouraged when healing does not manifest, but rather, know that you have loved with Jesus’ love through you – sowing that seed of love into someone’s heart is more important than the physical manifestation :)

    hope this blesses you. :)

  4. Amen Serene. That’s a good word and reminder. Thanks for that. I prayed for a woman in a wheelchair yesterday and when I prayed for her to be filled with God’s love, she started to cry and I asked her why and she said she’s not worthy of God’s love. That really struck me (she’s a Christian and goes to church and her daughter goes to New Creation) and I know there are many people out there who probably feel the same way. I’m happy for this opportunity to just share with her that God does love her so much that Jesus died for her. Whether I see healings and miracles happen (and I do want to see them and grow more in this area), I do know that just approaching people to show that I care can make a great impact on them and help them feel God’s love for them.

  5. Pingback: Healing « CAP5
  6. hello! wow this sounds so awesome!! its great and very encouraging to see you just step out in faith and juz pray. I really feel God is super happy and really glad ur going forth with what the bible says…..and just stepping out! His really really proud of you :)

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