Goodbye 2010!

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This year (2010) has been a pretty awesome time spiritually for me. I started the year on a low note for various reasons, but everything slowly took off (spiritually) when I attended a small charismatic conference in February which was the catalyst in leading me to rediscovering the charismatic Christian in me and pursuing the things of God in a different way from previously.

The few years before this saw me deepen my foundation of understanding grace through attending New Creation Church and listening to Pastor Joseph Prince. It also saw me gradually hunger more and more for the miraculous as I read Bill Johnson’s books and became inspired by stories of the miraculous there. All this prepared me for 2010 as I started to really hunger for more of God and more of His power.

The charismatic conference got me further interested in healing and the prophetic. It got me thinking, it got me seeking and it got me practicing (healing, or at least praying for healing). Through meeting people at the conference, I got to know an awesome grace-based cell group where I’ve learned tons of stuff related to the prophetic. For the first time in my Christian life, I attended cell groups and events where people have prophesied over my life.

I encountered Curry Blake’s teachings around May and that impacted me a whole lot. It also brought me to know two other communities in Singapore that have been impacted by his teachings and are pursuing healing.

In June and July, I visited the United States where I attended a Bethel Church and Curry Blake conference. I met a few groups of awesome and radical young Christians who were going around healing people on the streets. When I returned to Singapore, I got to know a community of Christians that are now meeting regularly to encourage each other to pursue healing and pray for people on the streets.

This year, I’ve also been rediscovering my passion for missions and have traveled to countries like Indonesia and Thailand where I hope to do more in the area of missions in future.

I’ve been hugely blessed by the different groups of Christians I’ve met this year. I’ve learned so much from different people and various opportunities (business and ministry) have opened up and I know will open up in 2011. I’m excited for 2011!

Right now, I have a great passion to know God more intimately and to learn to move more in his healing and prophetic power and love. I’m learning so much, yet still have so much more to learn. While I’m still so dissatisfied by what I know and the experiences I have – and I’m hungering for so much more of God’s love and power – I believe in stepping out in ministry for you learn so much as you minister and teach and bless others. And as I grow more and more in these areas, my desire is to spend more time investing my life in young Christians and discipling them and sharing with them all I’ve learned about God’s love and power and moving in His power.

One other thing I believe God has brought me to start doing in 2010 is that of praying much in tongues. I mentioned a bit about Dave Roberson’s book on tongues here.

In 2011, I’m hoping to pray more in tongues, which I think is a very important key to my spiritual growth (including moving in the spiritual gifts and hearing God’s voice more clearly) that I’ve been learning about. I hope to spend more time hearing God’s voice for my own spiritual life, ministry and business. I hope to see greater healing/miracles as I pray for people. I hope to step out more in the prophetic (which includes getting lots of misses but also hits!) as I grow in discerning God’s voice. And I’m hoping to travel more for business and missions/ministry and start to teach/preach to young people.

PS: Oh… I also received a very special gift in 2010 – thank you Daddy! ;)

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  1. Hello,
    Would you tell me which church or organisation in Indonesia that you visited during your mission trip? I’ve visited NCC a couple of times and for the past 2 years been searching for a grace-based church in Indonesia, but failed to find one. Thankyou,

    1. May, I’ve only been to Batam and I don’t know much about churches in Indonesia. I’m not sure if there are any grace-based churches in Indonesia like New Creation! Sorry, maybe others can enlighten us!

  2. stillhaventfound,
    reading your post makes me feel so proud of what you’re doing and grateful for what God is doing in your life… 2011 will indeed be exciting! it will be a year of greater miracles and breakthroughs to come! what is that special gift you’ve received? ;)

  3. Hi J,

    Looking forward to meeting you in Singapore soon. My wife is your friend on Facebook. I’ve been quietly reading some of your posts. 2011 will be a huge year for us too.


  4. From time to time I read your blog and saw where you had posted about praying in tongues more. Check out He has teaching and a free E-book on that very subject. Blessings for a glorious 2011.

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