Prophetic Training Workshop

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Hi guys, haven’t written for a long time. So many things to share but so little time to write :) Anyway, this post is just an advertisement for a friend and cell member Euclid who’s conducting a prophetic training workshop.

Euclid’s a young guy who moves in the prophetic and has a passion to train people to hear God’s voice. For readers of this blog, you know I am interested in this area and I’m particular interested in the training/discipling aspects of it.

Be it healing or the prophetic or whatever supernatural stuff, the focus ought to be on training others to do it (because everyone can!) more than doing it yourself and being seen as the “great man of God”. OK, while I’ve been part of those crazy lines where we line up to be prophesied over to get a “word from the Lord” from the “great man of God”, I’m kinda getting sick of that now. There’s something wrong with our charismatic Christianity if we still look up to these people as though they have something we don’t. Christianity was never meant to be like that – well, OT Christianity maybe, but not since Jesus came and the Holy Spirit was poured out upon us! It breeds an unhealthy form of dependence on these people and I’ve always felt these prophets need to be teaching others to hear from God for themselves, more than hearing God for the public out there – unless of course the public are unbelievers then that’s cool. I’m not saying there’s no place to prophesy over other Christians. I think that’s totally biblical, but we can’t always be relying on a Word from others!

So I definitely endorse what Euclid is doing. This workshop is catered to anyone. It’s held in the home of my cell group leader Lawrence. The cell group I attend, by the way, meets formally only about once a month and we consist of charismatic Christians from different churches (many of whom are from New Creation). Any of you are welcome to visit us – I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy yourself there. But anyway, for this event, even if you don’t know me or Euclid, feel free to come – you’re guaranteed to feel welcomed! And Euclid is a good trainer and is very grace-based in his view of prophesy. Here’s the info:

Catered to all, from those who has no idea how God speaks to those who have experience in prophesying.
Only 20 slots available on a “first come first serve” basis.
Personal coaching after the whole workshop will be available to those that need it.

Lesson Plans
1st lesson: Belief system & Identifying ways that God can communicate to us.
2nd lesson: Basic introduction to prophecy.
3rd lesson: Advance prophetic training.
4th lesson: Refining individuals.

The lessons are broken down to 4 separate days over the period of 2 months.
Dates: The 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month August and September. (Aug 4, Aug 18, Sept 1, Sept 15)
Time: 8pm to 10:30pm
Location: CharisLodge at 367 Pasir Panjang Road (aka Lawrence & Elina’s Home)
Fee: $4 for the training Manual that will be handed upon the first lesson. (required)

Contact Euclid at this e-mail to register or if you have any further inquires:

PS: Do have your dinner before coming down. (Unless you are fasting or on a diet)

Reaching the World through the Prophetic

On a similar note, some of you may know that Esther and I have been focusing a lot on internet/online marketing for the past half a year. I’ll probably talk more about that in future, but for me this internet marketing business is a means to an end – to get my finances in place so that I can focus on my passion which is healing. But we’ve learned a lot of skills and we also want to use it in ministry.

We’re hoping to work with Euclid and other “prophetic” people to start an optimized website (or a few) targeting those in Singapore searching for “fortune telling” and other related keywords. What I’ve learned from Bill Johnson and others over the past few years is that we Christians should be able to do this better than the new age and other kinds of people who can “read people’s minds” or “tell people’s futures”. Whether it’s about telling people’s future or not, we should be able to speak God’s immediate word of love to these people to touch their lives. I’ve heard tons of stories of people in America going to these “new age” fairs and ministering to “psychics” or whoever. And these new agers get surprised and touched by what these Christians know and can do because Christ lives in them. I think this is definitely the future of the Church as we go out to the lost and minister Christ’s love to them where they are, and not just invite them to an organized form of Christianity.

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  1. Hi Jonathan, I stumbled upon your blogsite today and I’m glad to have found someone who has alot in common (i.e. new covenant truths, healing and the prophetic). One of things that I have been wanting to do is to run prophetic activation classes and have healing training done along side it as well. It’s good to know that someone else is initiating it in a home. I have also in recent months been gradually building up my own online business through internet marketing for the purpose of having ‘a means to an end’ as you mentioned(I am an itinerant minister). It’s still early days to see any income coming in but I’m tenaciously doing it to see that it will take place soon. I would be interested to know how’s going with you with regards to your success.

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