On Joseph Prince & New Creation Church – Introduction

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I’ve been attending New Creation Church (NCC) occasionally for the past 7 years or so when I’ve been in Singapore – most of those years I’ve actually been overseas. However, over the past 2 months or so, I’ve been consistently attending New Creation. If I were to stay on in Singapore, I would probably continue to do so.

I’ve been thinking a lot about NCC and its teachings lately and so I hope to start a series of posts on the Church and its teachings and practices. New Creation is probably the most criticized and persecuted Church in Singapore and a lot of people do have questions about its teachings and practices. I hope to provide my own thoughts on the Church. But like every single thing written on this blog, I don’t claim to be perfect and all-knowing. I think I can bring to this discussion a lot of my past experiences and theological knowledge, but in no way do I claim to know it all. I’m not perfect, nor am I objective in my evaluation. No one is. We all come to the table influenced by our past experiences and biases. Some people don’t want to acknowledge that, but I do. So these posts will be written in an open, not dogmatic, manner. Of course since I’m attending the Church, I’m generally more sympathetic to its beliefs and practices. However, I believe I’ll also be critical – though hopefully in a constructive and good, not accusatory, way.

I’m not sure how many posts I’ll write in this series. It’s not going to be a very organized series as I just want to be free to express my thoughts in a random manner! :) The most popular article on this website is actually one I wrote about 4 years ago on New Creation. You can access it here:

Thoughts on New Creation Church – and Grace, Faith, Health and Wealth

That was written a long time back. I still hold to most of what I wrote, but may have changed my mind in some other matters. In this series, I’ll repeat some of the stuff written there, while adding others.

I welcome your thoughts and comments on what I write – be it negative or positive. I also welcome any questions you may have. Of course, I’ll be responding to it from my fallible perspective.

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